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  • Writer's pictureLindsay

Wet Rodents

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

Things are getting serious and it's exciting! 

Despite us making several more day trips down to the property this Summer to explore, set up cameras, and hang with our new neighbors, there just really wasn't much to write about. 

Not even any ticks. Or wasps. No Sasquatch. Just some sweaty swamp-ass weather and staring at the empty space where our cabin would one day be.

We had been scrimping and saving to come up with the last of what we needed to officially sign for our cabin, and a week ago after eating ramen noodles for breakfast, second breakfast, lunch and dinner,  we were able to pull the trigger! 

It was exciting picking the colors, windows, doors, and other options. We will be finishing the inside ourselves over time and basically living like hobos inside until we can scrape together the funds to do it right, but still. Times are good. We have a vision.

We handed them a check and were told that the build would start in 10-12 weeks. 

“A cabin for Christmas!” we said to the builder.

“How the hell am I gonna wait that long,” I said in my head and the whole way home, out loud to Neil, incessantly. 

And then a few days later we got a call that they were already ready to start! The piers would go in first, and then the construction could start the following week. OMG. 

Things got fired up, fast. Our Christmas cabin is coming in hot for Halloween! 

We scrambled down 2 days later to figure out the placement we wanted and to stake out the corners. We also had a plumber meet us (on a Sunday!) to take a look at our septic tank and advise if we were ready to rock and roll. 

We cut down a few more limbs and raked and mowed a bit. I side eyed a few wasps that were giving me the stink eye. We checked the game cameras we had set up the last time we were there.

And then, I achieved a milestone.

I peed in a bucket.

And it wasn't your average run-of-the-mill bucket-peeing episode either so let me help you visualize.

It was not one but two old, dirty, stacked painter’s buckets, (because they were basically fused together tighter than the grip of Godzilla himself.)

It had a nice round seat thoughtfully made in China and snapped on to the top for comfort, (and so you can pretend you're not about to relieve yourself in a bucket your husband found in the corner of the garage.)

And inside, I found out a few moments too late, stuck to the bottom, was a dried up but still very furry but also very dead MOUSE.

I pissed on a deceased rodent. 

So I'm not really sure where that ranks me on the homestead initiation scale, but let's just hope it's gotta be up there. 

Stung by angry wasps. Check.

Embarrassed myself to the entire establishment by recklessly and wrongfully assuming a neighbor stole from me. Check.

Unknowingly gave a golden shower to a dead animal… Check. And eew.

So it's pretty much gotta be uphill from here, right? 


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